Thursday, January 24, 2013

Taking the First Step

It seems like in most things in life, the hardest step to take is always the first. People are often so overwhelmed by a large task or end goal they have in mind that it intimates them to ever begin what could be a life-changing journey. Even when I was training and in a daily routine of conditioning and lifting, there were days when it was such a mental battle for me to take the first step of my shuttle run, lift the weight for my first set, or run the first sprint in a set of "until coach says stop." But after beginning, it's all downhill. I was/am always the type to finish what I start, so once I took that first step, there was no turning back. Everything is so much easier once you will yourself to just do it.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." <3

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