College Lifting

In college our trainers had us lifting 3 days/week on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Because we were practicing so rigorously and needed to give ourselves plenty of time to recover we couldn't break our workouts up into the usual leg days, chest and tricep days, back and bicep days, etc...

Here's a sample of what one phase of our lifting looked like:

Dumbbell Bench Press 3x15
Lat Pull Down 3x15
Superset [Opposite Heel Touches + Supermans] 3x15
Dumbbell Lateral Row 3x15
Curl to Press 3x15
Tricep Rope Extensions 3x15
Superset [Bicycle Crunches + Kneeling Opposites] 3x15
Back Squats 3x15
Step Ups 3x15
Dead Lifts 3x15
Plank 3x45 seconds

Forward Lunges 3x15
One Legged Squats 3x15
Leg Curls 3x15
Superset [Plate Crunches + Supermans] 3x15
Dumbbell Incline Bench 3x15
Bent Over Dumbbell Rows 3x15
Superset [Side Bends + Lying Opposites] 3x15
Upright Row 3x15
Dumbbell Curls 3x15
Cable Push Downs 3x15
Bench Dips 3x15
Plank 3x45

Position-specific Pitcher's lift

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