Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fighting Overeating

"EXERCISE to be fit not skinny, EAT to nourish your body, and always IGNORE the haters, doubters & unhealthy examples that were once feeding you. YOU are worth more than you realize."

A great quote to remember! It's important to remember what your body needs, not necessarily what your mind or stomach wants at any one point in time. A lot of people, myself included, tend to overeat due to boredom, social surroundings, mindless eating, emotions, or mistaking hunger for some other need we actually have like thirst or energy. Ask yourself if your body is really hungry. Do you have a physiological need for food and energy? If you just ate recently and still feel like you want some food, try waiting for 20 minutes or drinking a glass of water and then see if you still feel the same way. Likewise, the need for sleep can be misconstrued as the need for food which is why it's important to sleep and be well-rested!

If you're bored or feeling emotional, try working out instead of eating. Working out releases endorphines that naturally make you feel better -- physically and emotionally. ;) Going for a walk and getting some fresh air always helps me when I've been in the office for a long day (which is most unfortunately). I'll walk outside my building or to the water fountain just to rejuvenate myself a bit. 

Other little tips to do are to keep healthy snacks around you so you don't reach for anything unhealthy that just happens to be more convenient. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Eat every so often so you're never starving. Only take small portions so you're never reaching into a bag/box with no sense of how much you've eaten. Ask yourself how you'll feel in a few minutes or hours after eating whatever it is you're thinking of eating. Make healthy choices that your body will thank you for now and in the future. Our biggest battles in and out of the gym are often with our minds but we have to realize we're strong enough to overcome them. <3

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