Friday, January 4, 2013

No Pain, No Gain

When you're doing reps and your muscles start hurting and burning towards the end of your sets, don't give up! That's when your muscles are working the most and those reps are usually the most important! In order for your muscles to grow, they need to be pushed to the max, literally tearing your muscle fibers so more muscle can grow in during repair and make your muscles bigger and stronger. 

I try to do at least 12 reps during each set of most exercises. The first few when you still feel comfortable are just to fatigue your muscles, but you'll see the most results if you push past the pain of the last few. Learn to love the burn. 

One thing Coach would always tell us was, "Get comfortable being uncomfortable." I think about that quote a lot because I feel like it applies to a lot of things in life...but it undoubtedly pertains to weights and lifting. Get yourself out of your comfort zone and push yourself past your limits. You'll be amazed by what your body can accomplish if your mind doesn't give up. "Limitations only exist if you let them." <3

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