Saturday, January 5, 2013

Doing You

Maybe health and fitness have become obsessions of mine but I surely don't perceive that as a bad thing! Names like "gym rat" aren't a bad thing in my book at all! I love being fit and taking care of my body and anything anyone else says definitely shouldn't influence that. 

Not a ton of my friends of family members work out as much as I do so I often get asked, "Why do you have to work out so much?" "Why don't you splurge on that food?" and others of the like. It's not that I have to work out, it's that I get to. Some people may not understand your goals or lifestyle, but that's fine. You know in your heart what you desire most and what you want to work hard to achieve, so keep at it! A fit lifestyle is definitely something you have to dedicate yourself to and the most important people in your life will be supportive of that. Keep working hard to achieve your goals and don't let any negativity from someone else or your own mind get in the way. <3

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