Friday, December 28, 2012

Positive Self Talk

Everyone has setbacks. Especially around the holidays, it's easy to get upset and beat yourself up over having some desserts or second helpings at dinner. But it happens! One (maybe two?) cheat meal(s) doesn't dominate or erase the rest of the hard work you've put in to being healthy and fit! I personally have the biggest sweet tooth and I LOVE holiday desserts and candy so I've definitely treated myself a couple of times recently. I hate the way I feel after I do and I try to remember that feeling the next time I'm in a similar situation. 

Just hop back on the clean eating train and get back to a healthy routine the next day. You're allowed to enjoy yourself! After all, being healthy and fit is a lifestyle, a long-term commitment. Having a chocolate chip cookie isn't taking you back to step 1. :) Don't give up just because of minor setbacks. Keep your eye on the prize and remember what you want most more than what you want now. <3

Happy Holidays!!

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