Thursday, December 20, 2012

Eat Clean, Train Dirty

That one hour spent in the gym is important... But the key to seeing results is how you spend the rest of your 23.


Even if you add training and exercise into your daily routine, you won't see optimal results without adjusting your diet. Do unto your body as you want your body to do unto you! Clean eating is essential for being fit and healthy no matter how much you exercise.

A rule from our team nutritionist was "eat a rainbow" (and no, Skittles and Froot Loops unfortunately don't count :P). For every meal, try to get as many colors on your plate as possible while staying away from too much white or brown food. Carbs and protein shouldn't be the main dish with veggies as your side. Split it evenly with 1/3 of each and keep your plate as colorful as possible. :)

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