Sunday, February 1, 2015


I came across this article awhile back and found it to be so helpful when training glutes! I've been lifting for years but this was a great reminder of some small movements that can lead to BIG results.

Some of the key points...

  • Squat deep. ASS TO GRASS.
  • Keep your feet wide during squats. Keeping them closer together puts more emphasis on your quads.
  • Keep your feet wide during bulgarian split squats. Don't have your front foot too close to the back or that's more quad work too.
  • Squats get a lot of attention for being a booty-building exercise but honestly, nothing kills my legs like lunges do. Don't neglect lunges!
  • Curtsy squats are another great leg workout that emphasizes the glutes.
My favorite glute exercises:
  • Bulgarian split squats
  • Back squats
  • Front squats
  • Lunges
  • Hamstring curls (machine and with a bosu ball)
  • Leg Press
  • Hip Abductors (seated and out of seat)