Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Foam Rolling

Have you guys ever seen those things at the gym that look like big rollers? Made of foam? With people strangely and provocatively rolling on them? You may have wondered, what the heck is that? And why are people rolling on top of them?

Well, they're foam rollers! And they are great and necessary accessories to any athlete's (and non-athlete's) training.

I was introduced to foam rollers my junior year of high school when I started weight training more seriously and doing some physical therapy. They are such a great tool pre- and post-workout to prevent injury and keep your muscles loose and pliable for training. Think of it as a tool for doing a deep tissue massage without needing a masseuse. :) Foam rollers can break up and prevent a lot of the tension that builds up when weight lifting, running, cycling, or doing anything that seriously engages your muscles. It's always important to stretch pre- and post-workout and using the foam roller can assist just about any muscle with that. Here are a few examples from bodybuilding.com but do some research on Google to find how you can really target specific muscle areas. 

I have a foam roller (a big red one I've suitably named Big Red) and it's my best friend. ...is that sad? Maybe. Oh well. I could spend 20 minutes rolling on that thing, easily. So next time you see one of these bad boys, give it a go and get yourself a nice little massage on the foam roller. :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

12-Week Workout for Women

I came across this article on bodybuilding.com today and absolutely love it! Not only does it emphasize and explain why women should lift heavy to get lean and toned, but it provides some great diet and exercise tips and examples. Check it out here!

Don't be afraid to lift those heavy weights, ladies! You won't get big and bulky. :) Drink water, eat clean, train dirty. <3


Hey everyone!

I had a friend reach out to me recently asking about protein substitutes for whey and soy as she's allergic to both and I thought this would be great info to share on le blog. It's a great question and I'm sure a lot of people have the same problem so I wanted to share my response... I hope it helps!

First and foremost, protein consumption is extremely important when you're trying to lose weight, lean out, or build/maintain muscle. It's not something to be skipped! Post-workout, your muscles are extremely hungry and depleted of energy so it's important to try and "feed" them as soon as possible. This will help shorten your recovery time, minimize muscle soreness, and contribute to muscle gain. And muscle gain ultimately leads to greater calorie burn when you are and are NOT working out! Yay!

They say there's about a 30-minute window for your muscles to regain and recover so you should try to eat as soon as possible after you finish spin class (or any other activity for that matter.) Whey protein is typically the protein of choice for this because it's a fast-acting protein meaning it travels to your muscles and starts repairing them very quickly. However, I've read some articles saying that as long as you have some combination of protein and complex carbohydrates, this more than suffices to give your body what it needs. And I completely agree because there shouldn't be many things better than natural ingredients...aka. not protein powders.

SO! What can you use for protein??? If you like having shakes and want to stick to that, I would recommend using Greek yogurt or cottage cheese in your shake. I have both in my fridge right now and 1 cup of cottage cheese has 28g of protein (56% DV) and 1 cup of Greek yogurt has 22g (44% DV). They're also both fat free and the calories will vary depending on which brand you get. I would recommend staying away from any with artificial sweeteners and jams in them. If you want to add some sweetness, it's better to use natural honey, agave, or Stevia as a sweetener. :) I've also heard of smoothies that incorporate egg whites which I think is amazing but I've never done that myself. 

Another thing I used to do when I was working in the city was to boil some eggs ahead of time. I woke up early to get a workout in and then would be hustling to shower, get dressed, and catch the train so I didn't have time to make a protein-rich post-workout meal. Either the night before or as soon as I got up, I would boil a couple of eggs so I could just grab them and eat as soon as I finished my workout.

You could also have wheat toast with natural almond butter. Yum. Trader Joe's has some premade chicken breasts that you can just heat up within seconds and eat. Super quick and easy. You can also buy some ground turkey meat, beans, nuts to snack on... all great protein options. :)